This guide assumes that you are running Ubuntu 18 and that you want to control dynamixel XM-430 servos using the U2D2.
Start by setting the USB latency on the NUC for fast communication. This can be done by running the following command:
You can check it by running the following:
2) Install dependencies
The following dependencies need to be installed on the nuc.
2.1) ROS
To install ROS melodic on ubuntu 18 run the following commands:
2.2) Dynamixel SDK and ROS Controller
Run the following commands to install the remaining dependencies:
Run the following to install the Dynamixel Workbench used for communicating with the servos through ROS:
In order to add the above command to your .bashrc use the following command:
and add the following in the end of the file:
Finally, compile the dynamixel ros controller: